You can save lives

Denmark has achieved a fourfold increase in bystander CPR and survival rates for cardiac arrest victims, thanks to key initiatives supported by TrygFonden. 

Through extensive research, awareness campaigns, nationwide systems and community programs such as the AED network and Heart Runner program, we empower people in Denmark to take action and help save lives.

About TrygFonden

The Danish foundation TrygFonden works to make Denmark a safer place to be. 

Our mission is to inspire everyone in Denmark to take responsibility for their own safety as well as that of others.

A man performing CPR and a woman calling emergency services

Denmark among the best in prehospital cardiac arrest care

Denmark ranks among the best in the world in documenting the effects of prehospital efforts in cases where people suffer a cardiac arrest. 

Denmark has documented impressive results of high international quality within early CPR, survival and AED use.

 Et kort med en markering af, hvor der er en hjertestarter

The AED network

The Danish AED Network was launched to encourage Danes to register their AEDs, making them accessible and visible to everyone. The network is integrated with the Danish Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Dispatch Centers, enabling them to direct first responders to the nearest AED.

The AED Network also plays an essential role in TrygFonden's Heart Runner program, guiding volunteer responders to the closest AED when notified of a nearby cardiac arrest. Learn more about the Heart Runner program below.

Discover the Heart Runner program

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Heart runners are notified through the TrygFonden Hjerteløber app when someone nearby experiences a cardiac arrest, so they can step in and make a difference. See how the Heart Runner program works in the video.

Numbers and facts about the Heart Runner program

How the Danish EMS work

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Get an introduction to how the Danish emergency medical services work and learn more about TrygFonden's initiatives within CPR in schools and the AED network.